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Our Solutions
for Your Records

Small and medium sized business

If you are a business owner and your accountat or tax consultant demands your data to be send in a certain way and you struggle, please, don`t hesitate to contact us.

Tax Consultant & Accounting Firms

If you are a tax consultant or run an accounting firm and your clients are reluctant to send in data in an electronically readable form or you run out of personal maintaining interfaces or handwritten records than don`t hesitate to contact us.

Local Authorities

You are aware that in the next decade about 1/3 of stuff in local authorities will leave because of age? You´d better think now of how run your offices efficiently. Why not dealing with recorded numbers like in any other business?

Charity Organiszations

Your heart is at the charity work and numbers are secondary for you?
Right you are, but reports need to send in anyway. We support you!

Personal at above mentioned

Your boss puts you at booring routine work. You are a frustrated being wrongly used as typist? Suggest at work to contact us and we analyze how you can be free for more qualified jobs while records are tranfered efficiently.

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